//------------------------------------- // Names of intel entries used in game // (here for localization purposes //------------------------------------- 38 // number of entries "John Clark" // 0 "Free Europe" "RAINBOW" "European Union" "John Brightling" "Catherine Winston" // 15 "Horizon Corporation" "Embassy Rescue" "Hutu Rebels" "Phoenix Group" "PetroMech Corporation" // 10 "UN Workers Freed" "Anne Lang" "Ramon Calderon" "Rainforest 2000 Project" "Horizon Ark" // 15 "Attack on Rig Thwarted" "WorldPark" "Global Security" "Force 10-18" "Esztergom Dam" // 20 "Roland Kunst" "Phoenix Group, Extra 1" "Biohazard Levels" "Attack on Dam Foiled" "Summer Games Open" // 25 "Feds Raid Militia" "Ebola Brahma" "The Euro" "The Orca's Smile" "Standoff at Mint Ended" // 30 "Blast Rocks Harbor" "Phoenix Group, Extra 2" "Brightling and Lang" "PSA to Tour Rainforest" "Global Security, Extra 1" // 35 "William Hendrickson" "Virus Aerosol Bomb"